Stables Family

Linton Stables and Katherine Gray Stables

Register and pay to attend the reunion

It is easy to sign up and pay on line for attending the reunion. If you'd rather, you can mail a check to one of the organizers. We hope that you will understand that for planning purposes we will need to have payment in advance.


We are also using the registration process to collect information for the family tree. Please help us out by providing a full name and a full birthday for each person attending.


The price for the reunion includes the lunch and access to Maymont Park for the whole day. Some attractions within the park may charge an additional fee, and the tram around the park has a small charge per ride. For those over the age of 12 the cost is $30.00 per person. For those between 4 and 12 the cost is $15.00 and those under the age of 4 we are charging $1.00 just so we can get you to sign up with their names and birthdays.

We are using PayPal for registration and payment. You have the option of paying by credit card or with your PayPal account. If you are not already a user of PayPal you will have to register. PayPal offers a secure way of paying online. If you want to mail your payment, please send it to Leslie Ostrover.
For each adult (age 13 and over)

Full name of person attending
Name for nametag
Full birthday in mm/dd/yyyy format

For each child (age 4 to 12)

Full name of person attending
Name for nametag
Full birthday in mm/dd/yyyy format

For each infant/toddler (age 0 to 3)

Full name of person attending
Name for nametag
Full birthday in format mm/dd/yyyy