Stables Family

Linton Stables and Katherine Gray Stables
Maymont Mansion

The Stables Family is gathering in Richmond, Virginia, for a reunion. You are invited!


There will be a main event on Saturday, July 9, 2011, and there may be other occasions for family members to socialize and have fun.  We will have activities that will appeal to all ages and interests.


The reunion will take place at Maymont Park Garden Hall, in Richmond. The event will get under way at 9:00 a.m. with registration, coffee, juice, and donuts. Park attractions open around 10:00 a.m.  A barbeque lunch will be served at noon, followed by a program and a photo opportunity for the whole family. Then there may be games for children, a tour of the historic Maymont mansion, and other activities until 3:00 p.m. Register now on-line.


Directions to the Hampton entrance to Maymont Park.


If you have not already, please sign up for the newsletter and we will keep you posted on the latest plans. Also, please forward your e-mail to your children, nieces, nephews, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and others who are connected to the Stables family but who may not know about this web site. Also, if you know of someone who does not get electronic communications, please let us know so we can mail them a paper copy of the newsletter!

Maymont Italian Garden

Volunteers needed!


We are expecting between 50 and 75 people at the reunion, so there is lots to get done to make this happen! You can help. Here are some of the tasks that are in need of a leader and maybe even a committee:

  • Family photo
  • Commemorative T-shirt


You don't have to do it all--just a little piece of it would be a great help!

Yes. I want to help!

We may have already answered some of your questions. See our FAQ page.
We've had reunions before. See a photo album of past Stables Family reunions.

Study up!


Are you as confused as we are about all those family relationship terms like, "second cousin, once removed"? Here is a handy chart you can use to figure it all out. There could be a pop quiz on this stuff, so check it out!